Monday, February 13, 2012

Logo for an illustrator?

How can I incorporate my love for hibiscus flowers into a working logo for my illustration company? I want to make a logo for my company but have no idea where to start. I am an artist, so I'm sure I could work something out... but my brainstorming is going nowhere.
Logo for an illustrator?
You are kidding right?

Keep it simple. Just draw an Hibiscus flower and put your name across.

Fancy stuff isn't needed nor do you need to 'stylise' the flower. Make it the best flower you can draw, paint or what medium you use.

Some inspiration
Reply:1. A hand drawing a hibiscus flower.

2. Hibiscus flower with a pencil where the staminal column should be

3. Just have a closeup shot from the top zooming in on the stamen (filaments and the anthers).

4. have a multicolored hibiscus with the colors of the rainbow.

etc, etc...................

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