Friday, February 3, 2012

Does anyone know how to keep bugs from eating my outdoor plants?

I have a red hibiscus plant in my front yard, but everyday I see large gapping holes appearing on the leaves. I suspect that it’s the work of snails, but it could be anything. Any advice?
Does anyone know how to keep bugs from eating my outdoor plants?
Only way to keep them from eating your plants is to keep an insecticide on them. I like using sevin dust or liquid sevin whch can be bought at your local garden center.
Reply:You can make your own all natural bug repellent.

In a 32 oz bottle, add a couple ounces of Murphy's oil soap and fill with water. This will help keep the bugs off, but will need to be reapplied. If snails are the real problem, put a saucer of beer out below the plant. The snails will drink till they die.

I hate to see the "big guns" pulled out, IE- really harmful chemicals used on plants when there are other methods that are so much safer for the environment. Seven is pretty harmful stuff, ever read the label? Google the problem for other suggestions.

Good luck!
Reply:go to home depot and pick up a insecticide called SEVEN its a powder you sprinkle on your plants and its safe for fruits and vegetables
Reply:you can mix 1 cup lemon ammonia and 1 cup lemon dishsoap with 2 cups of water and spray it directly on the leaves.

plants love the ammonia and bugs hate the lemon scent.

if you have a lot of plants you can mix up a big sprayer full and use mix it stronger and spray the whole yard.

good luck with this.
Reply:Hi. I would guess that it's not slugs. My experience with slugs has been with low growing plants like hostas and gerber daisies. And those troubles happened back in the spring.

That leaves Japanese beetles or caterpillars. You can handpick these and destory or you can use a spray. Local Co-Op's or Lowe's can assist you with the best spray for these. However, if you would like to use a homemade spray, here's a recipe:

Hot-Pepper and Garlic Spray

6 - 8 close garlic (unpeeled %26amp; crushed)

1 tablespoon powdered cayenne pepper

1 quart warm water

1. Place the prepared garlic and pepper into a 2 quart container.

2. Add the water to the container.

3. Stir vigorously for a minute. Cover the container, set the container in a place out of direct sunlight and let it stand for two days.

4. Strain the solution into a clean sprayer.

Hope this helps! =o)
Reply:Snails leavy slime trails. could be grasshoppers, japanese beetles, or any number of things. You can also try Dysiston - sprinkle around plants, water in. It is systemic, goes through the root to the plant, when bug chomps on it they die. Cool. Eat my hibiscus and die bug, becoming fertilizer for the plant you ate!! don't you just love gardener's revenge??
Reply:If you want to use a natural way to keep bug and worms off plants. Try mixing a couple of cap fulls of ammonia in a gal. of water spray on the plants will run off some bugs and make worms sick. Also a tea of tobacco and water will get rid of bugs, red chili powder will rid you of ants. Always go natural if possible to protect you dirt and prevent chemical poisoning of other plants
Reply:We went to lowes and got bug spray and killed the suckers!!
Reply:There is some soapy spray you get at Lowes... you can spray on your plants that isnt harmful...I used it when I had creatures feasting on my tomato plants. I have unfortunately forgotten the name! The guy at in the garden section at lowes would answer your question. They are always so helpful. If you dont have that store near you, call your local nursery and just ask what they would recommend...

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