Friday, February 3, 2012

Help! Japanese beetles are killing my Hibiscus plant is there....?

anything i can use to get rid of them that won't damage the flowers?
Help! Japanese beetles are killing my Hibiscus plant is there....?
If you want to make sure there is NO damage to the plants all you can do is hand pick them off. Of course if there is a major attack then you will be picking a long time. But you can use liquid Sevin and spray them. I would do it early in the morning so it will not burn the plants with the sun and water on them. Sevin will be ingested by the beetles and they will die. But you have given the old Japanese Beetle one of their favorite foods to say the least. Happy growing. Make sure you follow the directions on the bottle also. That is very important.
Reply:Milky spore disease is a one time long term fix. In the near term, knock them off into a container and then dispose. Sevin works well, also.
Reply:yeah drop and atomic bug spray on them
Reply:For instant results, just spray them w/Seven or Eight, (same product). You can also use the dust but the spray is easier and more user friendly.
Reply:Seven makes several treatments for killing Japanese beetles that work. They have about 3 different ones that each use different active ingredients.

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