Friday, February 3, 2012

Hibiscus wont bloom...?

have a 2 yr old hibiscus that is fairly decent in size but it refuses to produce more than a bloom or two, have tried watering a lot and watering a little, any ideas why it wont bloom like most hibiscus' or how to remedy the problem?
Hibiscus wont bloom...?
mine won't stop blooming. maybe we should trade? problem with these garden questions is lack of detail. everybody want to help solve your problem. all have wonderful ideas that have worked great for them. i've been a master gardener for over 15 years and my hibiscus here in san diego look great. but if i tried the same san diego method on my mother's hibiscus in wisconsin, i'd kill it for sure. you need some advise from an expert from your own area. someone who knows all about your growing conditions, your soil problems, your bugs and what works and doesn't work in you neighborhood. i am going to put you in touch with a group of master gardeners living near your home. the will have all the real best answers for you. american horticultural society has a web sight with links to every state and local master gardener sight in america. i'm sure there is one near you.



go there, click on master gardeners, then click on your home state. click on the city or town nearest to you and your there. master gardeners love solving problems. i bet one living near you will have your hibiscus blooming so well, it will be the talk of the neighborhood.
Reply:Hibiscus need light to develop buds. If you keep your plant in a sunny window or give it artificial light it may well bloom all winter. Note that some varieties will bloom more readily than others. Rosalind for instance continues to bloom in less than ideal light conditions while others may stop altogether.
Reply:It probably needs more firtilizer, or more light.
Reply:After they do bloom, cut it back some.
Reply:I fertilize mine with osmocote. Only hve to do that every 3 or 4 months. I water it every other day as well. Mine gets full sun most of the day too.

good luck

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