Friday, February 3, 2012

What is the quickest way to create a hedge?

my backyard is bare and i want to create some privacy by putting up a hedge. what would be the quickest way to do it? i was thinking hibiscus. i dont want something that is giong to take forever to grow. i would prefer something that i can get that is pretty much already full grown. maybe a thick vine. but can i get a vine that is already full grown? thanks. oh yeh i would like something that has a pretty flower that blooms most of the year.
What is the quickest way to create a hedge?
Vines can be troublesome if they spread everywhere.

Try shrub roses. They are affordable and available everywhere. Well fed, they grow quickly and beautify the hedge
Reply:Bamboo is EXTREMELY invasive. And stay away from anything ficus....

What about arica palm? It grows relatively fast, comes in clumped form, looks very tropical all year round, sorry but no flowers. Is great for privacy.

Hibiscus could set you back some buck$, and need care.

You could go with viburnum minor, it has a large, dark green leaf, kind of waxy, and small, white flowers. Excellent for hedging and takes well to trimming and all of our Florida weather; Eugenia hedges are another option. They have very small leaves, grow fast and make a very private border, because they are so thick with leaves; Sea grapes is another option. Although they don't have flowers, they have clusters, like grapes that wildlife loves; Copperleaf, which grows quickly, has multi-colored leaves; coco plum is also an option, though no flowers...
Reply:A pivot hedge is quick to grow. I planted one on my property line and was trimming the following season.
Reply:i live in fla also , i use eugenia shrubs they grow fast and look good they cost about 9 dollars each at home depot or lowes and around 7 dollars at local nurseries.
Reply:You didn't say if your yard is fenced, but if it is you can plant annual vines like morning glories or scarlet runner pole beans (these give the bonus of edible beans) until your perennial vines or shrubs catch up. If you don't have a fence, make one with tall annuals until your hedge grows up. Corn and or sunflowers give you more stuff to eat and red Castor beans make a real statement. RScott
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