Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hibiscus Plants?

I have 2 hibicus plants that I brought inside in the fall. They are thriving inside, but I'm wondering how often to water them. I did just about 5 days ago and the soil today is bone dry. I don't want to over water... any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hibiscus Plants?
As long as they are thriving, don't change a thing. Most plants need the soil to dry out enough between waterings to allow air to penetrate the soil and reach the roots. If the plant isn't getting enough water, you'll know by the wilting leaves. They can generally recover easier from underwatering than overwatering.
Reply:plants dry out more indoors because it's warmer and dryer inside. watering once a week should do it, and I'd wager the soil isn't dry below the surface.

Indoor plants such as your Hibiscus plants will need to be watered as they are in pots. All containers plants need more watering. A good rule of thumb is to water your Hibiscus when the soil is dry. Check with your finger and if it is dry an inch below the surface, give them some water. You can also feed your Hibiscus two times a month. Purchase a good quality plant food. If you have any extra pine staw or mulch around, put that in an around the plants to help with maintaining the water. Don't water them when there is still moisture in the soil. Some tropical indoor plants such as the Hibiscus will need more watering when placed inside for the winter.

I hope this helps some and I will link you to the tropics section of my website as there is a page on Hibiscus. I will also link you to the sitemap, as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if there is any other information that would help you out. There is a page on container gardening and also watering techniques. Good luck to you and if you need some further suggestions, please feel free to contact me at the website. Have a great day!



Reply:Water when dry, they are semi-tropical, so humidity is important. Put them in the shower to keep the mealybugs away.

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