Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hibiscus & Roses?

I have a healthy looking hibiscus tree %26amp; rose bush that wont bloom. Is there anything I can give them or put in the soil that will help them bloom some flowers?
Hibiscus %26amp; Roses?
Toolshed asks some good questions. Is the hibiscus a tropical (houseplant) form, or a hardy (outdoor) garden form?

What USDA hardiness zone do you live in? That helps too.

That being said, let me take a swing at this question. Tropical hibiscus blooms in warm seasons only... it's got to be in the 70's or higher. Also, if you prune the plant you could be pruning off flower buds. It's best to prune directly after they finish blooming. Fertilize with a high Phosphorus (middle number) fertilizer, as directed on the label. Hibiscus like bright light.

As for your rose: Roses like full sun, and good fertilization. I've never heard of the beet-stuff, maybe? In my hardiness zone, they aren't even dreaming of flowering yet. Not til the end of May, early June. Generally you want to cut back your rose bush, so that all the stems are at least the thickness of a pencil or larger. Cut out crossing or damaged branches too. This is done in the spring, before the buds fully open. Some roses need other care (especially climbers), check with your local independent garden center for local specific directions.

If you don't have a rose fertilizer that you're using, consider Espoma 'Rosetone'. It's highly organic and a good product.

I hope that this helps

Good luck
Reply:I've never grown hibiscus, but roses like beet mixtures, you can buy it in the store. As soon as you give it to them, they explode into flowers, they are brighter and smell great (although the beet mixture stinks). It should be with all the flower fertilizer. Good Luck!
Reply:Epsom salts
Reply:you can buy super bloom or hibiscus food
Reply:if they are healthy and get the recommended 6-8 hrs of sunlight i reckon they need some plant food. visit your nursery and get rose food and water first then fertilize then water in well.

you should then get lots of blooms good luck
Teeth Cleaning

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